Gas Lantern Headquarters

Choosing the Right Outdoor Lantern
Ask Jan – A Collection of Expert Advice from the “Lantern Lady” of Charleston.
Choosing the right outdoor lighting fixtures is a critical final touch to a new home or a newly refreshed home. Copper lanterns can be the jewels that make a modest home appear to be a mansion, and conversely the appearance of a luxury home can be dampened by choosing the wrong outdoor lanterns.
In selecting the best outdoor light fixtures for your home there are three factors to consider:
- size
- style
- placement
The size of the lantern is important! Often, people choose copper lanterns that are too small for the home and thus miss their desired effect. Sometimes lanterns that are inappropriately large for the porch and door area are chosen. Size and proportion really come into play when matching post lanterns along a walkway or driveway with gas light sets on the porch or a lantern with large scrolls above the front entrance. Contact our Lantern Specialists at Carolina Lanterns. They are knowledgeable professionals who can advise you about size and proportion in choosing copper outdoor lighting fixtures.