Tap Water – Do You Still Drink It?

How You Can Give Your People Great Water!
Still using tap water? A recent survey shows that more than 50% of consumers will not drink water straight from the tap. With a Culligan Water Conditioner or Culligan Drinking Water Filter there is no need to use or drink tap water. Every family has three types of water: raw water, working water and drinking water.
RAW WATER is the tap water supplied to your family from a private well or public water supply. Raw water is best used for sprinkler systems, watering lawns, plants, outdoor uses and washing cars.
WORKING WATER is the tap water your family uses to wash clothes and dishes, heating hot water, showering, flushing toilets and water using appliances.
LIFE WATER is the most important water for your family’s use. It is the water for cooking, drinking, ice cubes, coffee/tea and your pets.
How well do you know your tap water? On a private well you should have your water tested annually by a registered lab. With public water you should read their annual drinking water report which is available at your local PSD’s website. You can also check www.ewg.com and have your water tested by a professional. Testing your water is important for the safety and health of your family’s water uses.
Your professionally trained Culligan Man can provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation in-home water test to ensure peace of mind for your family. Culligan offers innovative water treatment solutions for every family’s budget with its advanced drinking water systems and state-of-the-art water conditioning systems with a 100% 30-day satisfaction guarantee.